5 Reasons To Choose Hardback Book Printing

When it comes to printing a book, the first question you tend to ask yourself is whether or not you should go for a hardback cover. There’s no denying that a hardback book is the absolute premium, and the number one choice for many authors. Whilst it may not always be the best choice for […]

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How To Create a Journal Or Notebook

Many of us use a notebook or journal for a myriad of different reasons – journals are often used for personal and intimate reasons, such as self-reflection and private feelings or thoughts, whilst notebooks are often used for more general purposes such as work, school, or organizational lists. Whether you want to create a journal […]

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Tips For Writing And Publishing An Educational Text Book

Writing The Book When producing a book, of any genre, there are relevant steps in the process – many people start worrying about the publishing and distribution aspects before they’ve actually started writing! First step – write your book! Consider who you are writing the book for – the age range and make-up of your […]

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How To Choose A Cover When Publishing A Book

Writing and publishing your own book can be a mammoth undertaking with many different facets of the process to comprehend and tackle. Once the content has been finalised, there is the printing and publication aspects to consider. And even within that, there are many different considerations. One of those aspects is deciding upon the most […]

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The Ultimate Guide To Printing Your Own Book

There has been massive growth for on-demand or online book printing – many people dream of writing a book and seeing it in print. It is now a relatively straightforward process to get your hard work onto a printed page by using an online book printing service. Here are the things you need to consider […]

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